Aaand Arran got in on the photo action! Well, I suppose since he took the majority of the pictures he "got in on" it a lot, but still.
Although they have yet to make an appearance in our pictures, we met Ian and Kathleen in Paris and ate lots of good food with them, among other things. While walking to dinner one evening we passed this street, which I think Ian wanted a picture of. And it's pretty, so it has been included :)

Coming back from dinner we passed a little bakery that was open and in the window we saw some canelés in the window. Ian got two so I could try one. Here I am chewing:

Looking at Arran:

And I liked it! Apparently it wasn't very good quality, but I still thought it was super tasty.

So, there are still more pictures. And we're going to Prague (yay!) today, so we'll soon have pictures from another European capital for me to take a ridiculously long time to post!